Jewelry Care
We love how you cherish jewelries like we do. With your dedicated love and care, our art jewelries can become a timeless statement of you!

Desiccation is the Key
Exposure to moisture and oxygen can greatly accelerate tarnish generation on your beloved jewelries.
Storing your pieces inside jewelry cases or boxes could immensely protect them from those intangible harms.
Lastly, inserting a desiccation agent inside your jewelry box or case is highly recommended.

Chemicals Ain't their Besties
Chemical substances from our daily routines can spark reactions with our jewelry pieces, which makes them fade and dull.
Your beloved pieces will appreciate ample space away from fragrances, skincare & hair products and other chemical agents.
Contact with chemicals by accident? No worries, using a mild soap or tarnish cloth can timely reduce the damage.

Love Now not Later
Each jewelry piece dreams to be nourished by your love and care to sustain their glamorous shine.
We suggest immediate wipes with an anti-tarnish cloth after each use of your jewelry. Periodically, shower your lovely jewelries with warm water, mild soap and soft brushes.
Alternatively, send them to trusted jewelers for a professional SPA.